Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2009-2010 Kathryn Menke Miller Community Service Award and Scholarship

Program Overview:

The Junior League of Miami, Inc. is proud to sponsor the Kathryn Menke Miller Community Service Award & Scholarship. The award is presented to three, female, high school seniors in Miami-Dade County who have exhibited superior community service involvement during their high school careers while maintaining high academic achievement. The award is given in memory of one of our members, Kathryn Menke Miller. Kathryn was the “epitome of a hardworking, caring and loving volunteer.” Her greatest accomplishments were assisting our community’s children and her dedication to our public education system.

The Kathryn Menke Miller Community Service Award & Scholarship is a two-part program.

Part One: One honoree is selected by the CAP advisor from each school for recognition.
Part Two: The award & scholarship recipients are then selected by the Junior League of Miami from the pool of honorees. To be eligible for the award & scholarship, an honoree must submit a Scholarship Application, resume, and Supervisor Recommendation form.

Honoree Selection & Submittal:

Each CAP advisor should select one, graduating, female senior from each Miami-Dade public high school that meets the criteria stated below.

The Criteria for selection of the award honoree is:

a) Minimum 2.0 academic grade point average

b) Minimum 3.0 conduct grade point average

c) Demonstration of community service, within or outside her school, and the ability to work harmoniously and unselfishly with and for others.

This graduating senior will be recognized as an honoree and is eligible to apply for the award and $2000.00 scholarship. After the honoree is selected, the CAP advisor should complete and return the Kathryn Menke Miller Community Service Honoree Submittal Form by March 1, 2010 to the Junior League of Miami Community Service Award Chairperson, marked to the attention of Mary Snow,, phone 305-606-6279.

Scholarship Application Submission:

To be eligible for one of the three awards and $2000.00 scholarships, a completed Scholarship Application, resume, and completed Supervisor Recommendation and form must be submitted by the honoree to the Community Service Award Chairperson, LaVonia Martin-Chambers no later than March 1, 2010. Honorees may use CAP advisor assistance with the Scholarship Application. Once the Scholarship Applications, resumes, and Supervisor Recommendation forms have been received, they will be reviewed and two award & scholarship recipients will be selected by a committee made up of the Junior League Community Service committee, the Past and Present Presidents of the Junior League, and members representing the Junior League Community Advisors.